Institut für elegante Mathematik ... gruppe eM
Aktuelles (Mathe, IngWi, Industrie, ...)
(Incl. Musikereignisse bitte hier ♫ → w³euch³de ♪)
newly founded → K a K a O web, the cultural channel

We strongly hope for all of our friends from all over the world, all the best to you, stay friendly, help each other!
Yours eM
Next conferences at Categories Lists:
→ www.mta.ca/~cat-dist/#conference
→ International Category Theory Conference CT2020, postponed ..., University of Genoa
→ news.gmane.org/gmane.science.mathematics.categories

→ www.conference-service.com/
→ at.yorku.ca/cgi-bin/amca-calendar/public/list/topology/future/

abstract »Gravitation: Kompaktifizierung ...«

ad: »topoids: THE generalisation of topology with [or without enough] points and topology without points
[so called frames and/or locales]. Topology as practiced by nature. Gravity from THE topological point of view.«

•→ ad: »topology: fasciae and stability of snow«

actual other wrt math for grids:
→ www.conference-service.com/konferenzkalender/dynamische-systeme.html

un estate fa ... picole e universe topoi di minimae a massimae.
Aktuelles Buch in Arbeit: »Topoides é Universoides« ... (C.v.d.B.)
Théorie de Galois pour l'univers ...: le petit et le grand, tout est la même.
Vive A.G. – gravitas galoisnensis – et H2s – topological universe –

eM next w.r.t. topoids:
• domain theory, galois connections, colimits of graphs [current status]
• adjoint part "a.s.a.p. | a.c.a.n."
• [as simple as possible || as complicate as necessary]
• cvbd equilibrum:
• universal limits = universal maxima = optimum sustainable
• all of them not equal to maximum of single parts/subobjects !
• 40 years after »éléments atomiques des topoi généralisées«
