Institut für elegante Mathematik ... gruppe eM
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*) gegründet im Leibnizsaal

group eM: Institute for elegant Mathematics
group eM is a world-wide active net of engineers, mathematicians, and other researchers.
We are open to anybody to help solving problems and/or to find potential experts.
keywords and phrases:
eM Institut, gruppe eM, cat top, topologie, topology, category theory, Kategorien Theorie, topos, Galois Connections, topology editor, topology navigator, topological visualisation, euch3, algrotopoi, algrotopoide, topoide, eM, group eM, Leibniz, Leibnizianer, A.G., Alexander Grothendieck, Horst Herrlich, NWDKS, NDKS, NWEKS, NWECS, topologists, structure theorists, category theorists, measure theorists, Topologen, Strukturtheoretiker, Kategorientheoretiker, Masstheoretiker.